We write with intention & dwell within tensions
We are artists who have been left without an aim for how to continue engaging with art in the absence of institution.
Our goal is to provide a place where we can write about new ideas, old ideas, and bad ideas.
We are by no means professional writers, we inhabit a place between the seriousness of academic writing and the frivolity of passing thought. We will often succumb to cliches and trends as they pass us as we all often must.
We hope to present unique thoughts for you to consider. Our writing speaks for no one but ourselves. We do not reduce the similar experiences of others to what we have experienced.
We invite you to critically engage with the content, to challenge and be challenged, to test the tensions in question.
How can I participate at withintensions?
We announce new topics each month in preparation of the coming month and engage in either visual or written forms. We would love to see work from you, and invite you to submit a topic-related visual and/or written piece.
We encourage interdisciplinary approaches to art criticism and do not restrict our writing to simply visual art. The works we feature in our monthly magazine range from artworks, opinion pieces, poetry, reviews, interviews, art(ist) spotlights, and manifestos. Our goal is to create dialogues where we can explore current art concepts by sharing our personal perspectives with one another.